How to set up a connection with a Wi-Fi adapter?

Ref No. FAQ-A9 Android With the ignition off, connect the ELM327 adapter to the car diagnostic socket. Turn on the ignition / engine. • Some types of adapters have a power button. If your adapter is of this type, please …

No connection to the car

Ref No. FAQ-A20 Please answer the questions one by one, select the answers corresponding to your situation and follow the instructions. Please, make sure that the connection between your mobile device (smartphone, tablet) and the adapter is configured!How to set …

How to choose the best OBD2 scanner

Ref No. FAQ-A6 ELM327 adapters are self-diagnostic devices. You can find more detailed information about ELM327 adapters in our unique article “Diagnostic adapters ELM327“, which will help you choose the right OBD 2 scanner.

What adapter can be used with the application?

Ref No. FAQ-A7 You can buy any ELM327 OBD-adapter, but, please, be warned that the correct operation of the App with Chinese ELM327-adapters v2.1 is not guaranteed since many of these adapters do not meet the specifications. Sometimes defective adapters …

What are plugins and why are they needed?

Ref No. FAQ-A12 A “plugin” is a software component that has a specific function to an existing computer program (MotorData OBD). Plugins allow you to “customize” the program, i.e. customize, adapt to the individual needs of the client. Free version …

How to create a profile

Ref No. FAQ A-10 1. Please, go to the “Profile” section.2. Click the “Add Profile” button. 3. Fill in all the fields and click the “Save” button. Video instruction: